image of PPG Wave 2.3 with 15inch LCD monitor running Waveterm C software

WaveSim Demo

In V2.00.0051, the WTC32 Demo that can be downloaded here has been changed a bit. In previous versions, the demo contained a simulated hardware interface which simulated the responses WTC would receive over the communication bus from a real Wave or EVU. As various people have pointed out, this doesn't really provide any sonical clue and makes the demo version pretty near to useless.

WaveSim Demo

Well, that's been changed... starting with V2.00.0051, WaveSimD is a part of the package, together with a different hardware interface. WaveSimD is the demo version of a software simulation of the PPG Wave. This demo version has been specially crafted to complement the WTC32 Demo version. It emulates a complete PPG Wave; that means, this simulation consists of a simulated 6809 processor with a simulation of practically all peripheral chips that runs the original PPG software. This way, WaveSimD is nearly 100% compatible to an original PPG Wave. In fact, the simulation is so accurate that I've developed the V8.3 Upgrade completely (except for the final tests) on the full version of WaveSim.

Sonically, it isn't yet absolutely the same as the original, but it comes really close; close enough to allow a really good impression how, for example, a generated wavetable would sound if it had been sent by the full Waveterm C to a real PPG Wave 2.3.

WaveSimD is a demo version. This means that it has some limitations which the full version does not have:

... but it works perfectly with Waveterm C (demo and full version). Everything that's implemented in WTC can be immediately tested with WaveSimD. All you need is a manual for the original PPG Wave 2.3 (the one that can be found on Paul's PPG CD-ROM, for example).