image of PPG Wave2.3 with 15inch LCD monitor running Waveterm C software

The Waveterm C is a software/hardware combination that links a PC to a PPG component such as the Wave 2.3 in order to create and manipulate complex sounds. This system carries on where the original Waveterm and Waveterm B finished. The project is being done in the spare time of its developers, so whilst not being quick it is done be PPG enthusiasts so it will be completed and fully working eventually.

Progress is reported on the news page as things are added and fixed.

The development team are:-

Hermann SeibProgramming the user interface and PPG routines
Paul MaddoxHardware and low-level programming
Dave ForwardProtocol information

If you are interested in this project, please register your interest using the the Register form or bookmark this site and visit again soon.

image of PPG Wave2.3 with 15inch LCD monitor running Waveterm C software



The commercial aspects of the project along with web design is being handled by Vision Internet Services.

Vision Internet Services