Wave Simulator
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PPG Wave 2.2 / 2.3 / EVU Simulator


Together with Paul Maddox, I developed a hardware/software combination to drag the PPG Waveterm into modern times - Waveterm C. I haven't found the time yet to finish it - other projects, like VSTHost, consume too much of my time. Besides, the capabilities of today's average computers have grown to a point where it's relatively easy to simulate a complete synthesizer, with only minute differences, inside the PC.  So... that's what I did. A demo version of the standalone variant can be found here, as part of the Waveterm C demo. This demo version has been specially crafted to complement the WTC32 Demo version. It emulates a complete PPG Wave; that means, this simulation consists of a simulated 6809 processor with a simulation of practically all peripheral chips that runs the original PPG software. This way, WaveSimD is nearly 100% compatible to an original PPG Wave. In fact, the simulation is so accurate that I've developed the V8.3 Upgrade completely (except for the final tests) on the full version of WaveSim.

Sonically, it isn't yet absolutely the same as the original, but it comes really close; close enough to allow a really good impression how, for example, a generated wavetable would sound if it had been sent by the full Waveterm C to a real PPG Wave 2.3.

WaveSimD is a demo version. This means that it has some limitations which the full version does not have:

bulletno MIDI; WaveSimD is intended for the sole purpose of complementing the WTC32 Demo. For that, MIDI is not necessary. The full version includes a complete MIDI interface - and even allows to remotely control each and every knob and external input (Program Switch, for example) via Midi CC messages.
bulletfixed to Wave 2.3 V6 (full version can be Wave 2.2 V3/V4/V6/V8, 2.3 V6/V8, EVU V2/V3/V4)
bulletbad long-term memory; it always comes up with the factory settings (full version keeps the RAM contents for each of the possible modes between invocations)
bulletreduced controls; the full version can be tweaked far beyond the possibilities of a real Wave (for example, the filters can be turned on and off, tuned over a range of 2 octaves, ...)

... but it works perfectly with Waveterm C (demo and full version).

VST Version

As noted above, I'm also creating programs in the VST area (VSTHost and its little brother SAVIHost). In parallel, I also created a VST variant of WaveSim. This one works inside a VST host, be it a big sequencer package or a small "standalonifier" like SAVIHost or Tobybear's Minihost. It doesn't have the full feature set yet (the debugging part is still missing), and some parameters that are easily tweaked in the standalone version can only be reached by parameter automation, but it works quite well already.

Please note that the simulation really is as accurate as possible; that is, while it has a keyboard, this is not velocity-sensitive (notes turned on by MIDI are using the velocity information), but the PPG-style aftertouch can be simulated by dragging the mouse up and down on pressed keys. All the knobs and keys on the UI are implemented as automated parameters, so you can even record and playback knob movements and/or data changes to the current program.

It comes in two flavors: a simple Wave 2.2 V6 simulation and the full-featured package that can simulate a Wave 2.2, Wave 2.3, or EVU in various software versions (you can even load custom OS EPROM images into this one).

Wave 2.2 V6 Simulation

The Wave 2.2 V6 simulation is freely available. A donation to my PayPal account using office@hermannseib.com as recipient and WaveSim as title would be nice, but I don't insist on it.

You can download the current version here (.zip file, 787K).
Here's the same thing for host programs that can only deal with VST 2.3 PlugIns (.zip, 303K).
Some additional sound banks (direct conversions of these files) are here (.zip file, 31K).


bullet8 voices, monotimbral, Stereo output
bulletMIDI (wouldn't work as a VSTi otherwise)
bulletOS: PPG Wave 2.2 V6
bulletFactory Sound Set (mostly not very impressive :-)
bulletProgram, Sustain, Trigger signals can be sent by parameter automation

You can download an up-to-date (hehe... from 1985 or so :-) German manual for the original Wave 2.2 from here. An English manual is there, too, but it's a very early version. As far as I remember, Paul's PPG CD-ROM should contain a more up-to-date one, if you need it. A converter between V8.3 SysEx files, Waldorf PPG Wave 2.V sound banks, and Wave 2.2 V6 sound banks can be found here.

Compatibility list

This Plugin has been tested with the following VST hosts (in alphabetical order):

bulletAbleton Live Lite 5.2
bulletHermann Seib VSTHost, SAVIHost, Audio Station Host :-)
bulletRaw Material Software Tracktion V1.6
bulletSteinberg Cubase VST/32 5.1, SX 1, SX 2, 4
bulletSynapse Audio Orion V7.62
bulletTopten Software Cantabile 1.2 Lite
bulletXT Software EnergyXT 2.5.1

Compatibility with other programs is very likely given, but it can't be guaranteed since no two VST programs really work in an identical way. I'd be grateful to receive test reports with other hosts that I don't have access to.

Wolfgang Palm's Wavetables '08

Wolfgang Palm has kindly provided a set of sound banks for WaveSim!
The complete package can be downloaded here.
Here is Wolfgang's description:


In the years 2004 and '05, I occupied myself extensively with Sine Modeling, and invested much time into the development of analysis algorithms. In 2006, I tried to reduce some results of these analyses down to a point where they could be reproduced by a Wavetable synthesizer. Of course, this also stimulated me, since at the end of the '70s I had no analysis tools at hand when I created the first Wavetables for the System 340.

In 2008, I came to know Hermann, and he let me in on his works on the Wave software. In parallel, Hermann had developed a VST PlugIn that practically simulated an original Wave with the original EPROM code on a PC!

From that, it only was a little step to test my Wavetable experiments on his WaveSim, and we were both quite excited. Unfortunately, the whole thing went to sleep for some time... but now it has grown to a point where you can put a complete Wavetable + parameter set into a .fxb bank and load it back from there.


The wavetables I made are grouped in the following categories:

A = Analysis analyzed from samples
S = Synthetic generated by rules
U = Utterance analyzed from speech
M = Mixing + Merging generated by mixing + merging of 2 Wavetables
V = Vowels resonators analyzed from vowels

Please remember: this is a simulation of the original Wave 2.2 / 2.3 which you are using here, with all its
restrictions and oddities!
WaveSim was always thought as a 100% simulation of the original. Don't expect a smooth modern Vst instrument here.

Parameter settings

I made the Programs as simple as possible, just to demonstrate the pure Wavetables. In particular, there are no filter sweeps used.

Some of the WTs also use the Upper Wavetable. Since I have not used the standard waves at position 61,62,63 like in the original PPG EPROMs, the upper and lower wavetables can be used as one double length table! This is especially interesting with sounds that demand a long loop.
To achieve this, set "ModWheel -> Waves" = 1 (MW=1) and turn up the Modwheel as desired. Luckily, the ModWheel intensity is included in the wave program dataset! I marked the fxb's where I used that with (U) "using upper WT".

Some of the WTs are organized backward, and they are swept through by using a long Attack-time.

I have set up the programs for the Utterance WTs so that you hear the full wavesequence. It may be more useful to use single waves, and the filter, but PPG users know all that anyway.

Please don't ask me about the original voices, you may guess it, but there is space for fantasy. I noted the MIDI-key for the original pitch in brackets. E.g. MIDI-key (69) is the middle A on the wave Keyboard.

Once you open the "File Open Dialog", you may pull it up to a comfortable size.

For owners of the original Waves and EVUs there's the possibility to load these wavetables into their devices, as long as they contain V8.3 or a younger OS. For that, I've writtena special "mini version" of Waveterm C that can handle Wolfgang's original files.
It can be downloaded here.
Since original Waves and EVUs can't handle VST-compatible sound banks, you'll also need Wolfgang's original files.
They can be downloaded here.

Cornel Hecht has created a direct comparison between WaveSim and his Wave 2.2 with some of Wolfgang's wavetables, and put it up on YouTube: Part 1 and Part 2. The similarity is really astonishing.

Wave 2.2, 2.3, EVU Simulation

This one still is the "big brother" of the above variant. Features, in addition to those of the Wave 2.2 V6 simulation:

bulletEmulation of Wave 2.3 and EVU, thus:
bullet8 voices, mono-/multitimbral (depending on simulated device)
bulletStereo and Single voice outputs
bulletvast range of included operating systems (Wave 2.2 V3,V4,V4.5,V6,V8; Wave 2.3 V6,V8; EVU V2,V3,V4)
bulletcan load EPROM images for other versions
bulletcan talk to Waveterm C to include the complete range of transient sounds, user-defined Wavetables etc. available through a Waveterm
bulletRemote Control of all aspects via MIDI
bulletfilters separately (de-)tunable over 2 octaves
bulletfilters and sound generation (OK, that's admittedly not very usable most of the time :-) can be turned on and off

This variant is available now. If you're interested, please contact me.

Auch in Deutsch erhältlich!

Last update: 10/02/22