Ordering instructions
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Since it's obviously a bit too hard to look it up in the documentation (and since my address tends to change frequently), here are the ordering instructions if you want to buy MultiMID:

Order Form

If you want to order the registered version of MultiMID, please fill out the following form and send it to:

Hermann Seib
Davidg. 39/12
A-1100 Vienna
Austria / EUROPE

City:                                            State:                              Zip:                    
¨ check if you want MultiMID sent to your e-mail address
MultiMID V3.02: Number of copies:                 ($29.95 each) $                
Upgrade to V3.02: Number of copies:                 ($9.95 each) $                
Serial # for upgrade:                                          
Shipping and Handling $5 $              5
Total enclosed: $                
Disk format: ¨ 5.25"    ¨ 3.5"
Shipping and Handling $5 $                
Total enclosed: $                
Disk format: ¨ 5.25"    ¨ 3.5"

Note: if you send an Eurocheck, you can substitute ATS 250.-- for the $29.95 above, and ATS 50.-- for S+H. So, when registering one copy of MultiMID, send me an Eurocheck and put "ATS 300.--" on it - Austrian banks don't charge the enormous $8-$12 overhead for Eurochecks. "ATS" is the international shortcut for "AusTrian Schilling"; this offer is valid for owners of an account at a european bank only.

Auch in Deutsch erhältlich!

Last update: 11/03/01