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Plugin Consultant source code is released under the GNU Public License, which means it can be freely copied, changed and distributed, and costs nothing to use in open-source applications.
The source code can also be used in commercial, close source, applications as long as it is part of the debug version, which is not released to end users.

Plugin Consultant 1.2

May 18, 2007

Download Plugin Consultant 1.2 Windows DLL file (468 KB):

Mac OS X version hasn't been done yet.

Download Plugin Consultant 1.2 Source Code (124 KB):

The source code archive contains Windows and Mac specific directories with Visual C++ Express and Xcode 2.X project files. You might need to change some directories to fit the location of JUCE and the VST SDK on your system.

PluginConsultant 1.2 was built with JUCE 1.42. Plugin Consultant still cannot be built in unicode mode so


should be commented out in juce_Config.h.

Changes since version 1.1

bulletcompiled with VST SDK 2.4; shows all 2.4 opcodes (the deprecated ones are marked, too)
bulletVisual Studio 6 project file added (used for compilation, resulting in smaller DLL)
bulletTaskbar icon is correct Plugin Consultant icon now
bulletorganizational change - I'm the official maintainer for Plugin Consultant from now on. If you have problems, or suggestions, I've created a forum for it.

Plugin Consultant 1.1

December 10, 2005

Download Plugin Consultant 1.1 Windows DLL file (526 KB):

Download Plugin Consultant 1.1 Mac OS X disk image (631 KB): PluginConsultant-1.1.dmg

Download Plugin Consultant 1.1 Source Code (118 KB):

The source code archive contains Windows and Mac specific directories with Visual C++ Express and Xcode 2.X project files. You might need to change some directories to fit the location of JUCE and the VST SDK on your system.

PluginConsultant 1.1 was built with JUCE 1.20. Plugin Consultant cannot be built in unicode mode so

should be commented out in juce_Config.h.

Changes since version 1.0

bulletMac OS X version for logging and monitoring Mach-O VST plugins (i.e. CFM plugins are not supported)
bulletPlugin Consultant file name is displayed in the file selection dialog so you can tell which version of Plugin Consultant is running when using multiple renamed versions of Plugin Consultant
bulletERect value is logged unless it is NULL
bulletAbout information is now in another tab instead of a dialog box and other minor GUI changes
bulletThread ID is now logged in hex
bulletAdded a new option to include a time stamp in the log for log viewers that do not include time stamps

Known issues

bulletWindows: Taskbar icon is standard DLL icon and not Plugin Consultant icon (correct icon in ALT-TAB)
bulletMac: GUI is not repainted correctly after Plugin Consultant window is unhidden

Plugin Consultant 1.0

Download Plugin Consultant 1.0 Windows DLL file (344 KB):

Download Plugin Consultant 1.0 Source Code (70 KB):

The source code archive contains Visual C++ Express project file but you might need to change some directories to fit the location of JUCE and the VST SDK on your system.

PluginConsultant 1.0 was built with JUCE 1.8.

Copyright 2005 By Ofer Shem Tov
Copyright 2007 By Hermann Seib